Share 1 in every 2 scooters sold in India is Honda Activa By MotoArcMay 13, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING
Share 2 Maruti Suzuki vehicles are sold in India every minute By MotoArcMay 13, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING
Share 23.85 million Commercial vehicles were produced worldwide in the year 2017 By MotoArcMay 13, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING
Share 73.46 million Cars were produced worldwide in the year 2017 By MotoArcMay 13, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING
Share On every Rs 100 you spend to buy a small car, approximately Rs 56 goes to the government in the form of various taxes By MotoArcMay 13, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING
Share Indian Auto industry contributes 25% to the total manufacturing GDP By MotoArcMay 13, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING