Share It is a criminal offense to drive around Russia in a dirty car. By Apurva AmbepApril 22, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING
Share The BMW M5 engine is so quiet that fake engine noises are played through the speakers in order to remind buyers of their cars’ performance levels. By Apurva AmbepApril 22, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING
Share The most expensive street-legal car in the world is the Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita, at $4.8 million. It is literally coated in diamonds. There are just 3 in existence. By Apurva AmbepApril 22, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING
Share The best selling car of all time is the Toyota Corolla, with over 30 million sales since 2009. One Corolla is sold every 40 seconds around the world. By Apurva AmbepApril 22, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING
Share The BMW logo derives from the company’s origin as an airplane manufacturer. The now iconic blue and white “target sign” represents a spinning white propeller against a blue sky. By MotoArcApril 22, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING
Share The year 1886 is considered to be the birth of the modern car. In that year, German inventor Carl Benz built a modern automobile called the Benz Patent-Motorwagen. By Apurva AmbepApril 22, 2018Did You Know CONTINUE READING