Electric Cars: where do we stand world wide?
These days, Electric cars and EVs are of high significance for automobile media due to its popularity, zero emission, cost effective factors. But has EV the industry really achieved that level yet? Let’s take a look at the performance of this segment in some popular countries of the world.
Mitsubishi’s i-MiEV gets the top selling electric vehicle spot in Australia through 2013. At the beginning of 2015, Tesla model S registered a total of 119 units in New South Wales and 54 in Victoria. But not a single sale was done in other states of the country. After its 2012 introduction around 1000 units of Leaf was sold until 2016.
Only December 2017, around 47,800 units of EVs were sold which accounted for 1.4% of all new car sales in December 2017 and 0.9% for 2017. Tesla Model S was the top-selling BEV in Dec 2017 with 6,731 units sold.
China has the largest auto market in the world as well as it is the largest electric car market of the world. The countries own manufacturing company New Electric vehicle sold around 1,728,447 units between January 2011 and December 2017 but the figure also includes heavy duty commercial vehicles such as buses and sanitation trucks. Out of 1.2 million sales of passenger cars, 579,000 were sold I 2017 by NEV.
All the domestically built electric vehicles together sold 777,000 units in 2017. Entry level plugin passenger electric vehicles excelled the Chinese plug-in passenger market.
In October 2016, France sold its 1 millionth light-duty plug-in electric vehicle. As a government measure, France implemented the bonus-malus system through which purchase incentives are given for low emission cars and penalty fee is imposed for a purchase of high emission cars.
The total number of electric vehicles registered in Germany since 2010 are 129,246 units. Although the country has Europe’s largest passenger car market, it ranks only fifth in plug-in car sales in 2016. A record of 54,492 plugin cars was registered in 2017 which has increased by 217% from the previous year.
The Indian government has lower GST rates on EV to encourage emission free vehicles and ultimately decrease CO2 proportion in the atmosphere. But unfortunately, only 6,000 plug-in cars were registered in India despite in Dec 2015 despite the fourth largest car market in the world
Sales of electric cars recovered in Japan in the year 2017 with 56,000 units sold which only makes 1.1% of total market share.
United Kingdom
Britain saw a significant rise in EV segment, more than 137,000 light duty units were registered in the country until Dec 2017 compared to 36,907 plug-in cars in 2016. The plugin car market share of the country reached 1.37% in 2016.
United States
In 2016, 157,181 plug-in cars were sold in the USA in 2016 which has increased from 37.6% in 2015. For the first time in 2017, plug-in segment reached the 1% mark of the total new car sales of the country.