How Does Low Tire Pressure Affect a Car?

Did you know that low tire pressure has consequences for your pocket, for driving safety and for the environment? You are right. And the worst of all is that it is estimated that around 70% of European drivers usually drive with tires whose pressure is not adequate.

Excess Consumption

Environmental and Economic Disaster Over the past decade, multiple brands and manufacturers has published detailed studies about the dangers and consequences of low tire pressure circulating on our roads. In 2008, a joint investigation by the Foundation of the International Automobile Federation and Bridgestone showed that incorrect inflation of tires generated 18.4 million extra tons of CO2 discharged into the atmosphere, in addition to unnecessary consumption of 8,000 million liters of fuel and 55 million tires.

In short, it is an environmental and economic disaster that could be resolved by adopting the simple habit of reviewing the pressure with sufficient regularity.

How Does It Affect Your Pocket?

According to the Michelin manufacturer's calculations, circulating with tires with a pressure between 1 and 2 bars below the recommended one can increase gasoline consumption by more than one full tank per year.

Uneven tire wear

The low pressure also causes the tire to wear more on the sides and flanks, to the point of making it completely unusable long before it should. That is, the useful life of the tire is shortened, and it is necessary to change it, facing the added cost that this implies.

The danger of a blowout

The fact that the wheel deteriorates irregularly also increases the risk of an unexpected burst during driving. This is a definite risk factor for security.

As you can see, the low tire pressure poses a lot of problems of all kinds. However, it should not be so. Just follow these three simple tips:

● Check tire pressure monthly

● Take advantage of the trip to your usual service station to check that the tire pressure is correct.

● Check the tire pressure before embarking on a long trip