Share Range Rover Velar prices announced for India; Starts at Rs.78.83 lakh By Kedar VaidyaDecember 7, 2017News Land Rover has announced the prices for their latest addition to the fleet of vehicles for India; the smooth and… CONTINUE READING
Share Land Rover Experience By Kedar VaidyaJune 26, 2017Motorsport Very few companies these days make vehicles for a specified purpose. Land Rover is one of them. Firstly, they make… CONTINUE READING
Share Ace Perkins Jaguar-Land Rover Showroom Visit Pune By Kedar VaidyaJune 14, 2017Reviews Hot summer Thursday afternoon. Here I’m, roaming around the city doing some long pending chores of the home.Passing through Wakdewadi,frowning… CONTINUE READING