Share Kia Sonet launched at Rs 6.71 lakh By Sanjay JadhavSeptember 19, 2020Cars Kia Motors India, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kia Motors Corporation, today launched its first-ever compact SUV, the all-new Kia… CONTINUE READING
Share Kia Motors rolls out first Sonet, launch on September 18 By Sanjay JadhavSeptember 4, 2020Cars Kia Motors India has rolled out the first customer car of the bold and dynamic Kia Sonet, manufactured at its… CONTINUE READING
Share Kia Sonet sub-compact SUV unveiled By Sanjay JadhavAugust 7, 2020Cars Kia Motors Corporation revealed the Kia Sonet to the world today in a digital presentation. Manufactured at Kia’s state-of-the-art production… CONTINUE READING